Thursday, September 9, 2010

I'm having a friend for dinner.

The preparations are almost complete. The table is waiting. I will have the finest lighting. It will be set with fine linens and bedecked with the tools of consumption and sharing. The breezes shall be laminar fine. We shall begin our repast with a thick malt beverage. Once my guest has consumed his brown elixir I'll motion him to a repast high in fiber and vitamins. With luck the fine consomme will encourage our diner to stretch out its reproductive organ. Then I'll cut if off and eat it. Yum!

I've got a million of them. I'll be here all week. Don't forget to tip your servers.

My guest is named Pleurotus ostreatus . It is a fine thing indeed to dive into a process and command it's various wants and hungers. Giving one self up to the demands of monitoring a life and its survival is a difficult task. It means becoming a slave to that organism. Now , granted, it pays with its life and, if I am lucky, I can get someone else to pay me for its sacrificed genitals. MMMmmmm genitals. I'm going to try to blog about the process here. That way none of my friends will think that I haven't talked to them in forever because:

1. I hate them.
2. I'm dead.
3. I really was a Russian spy all along and I've gone home to the mother country.

Below is a list of the stuff I've done so far. The guts of the clean room, hereafter referred to as "the Burrito" or simply "Burrito", is mostly assembled. It is basically a big tube of 10mil translucent plastic. The type that you get as a drop cloth at a hardware store. The tube is then folded at one end. I use a double lap seam.
What has been accomplished so far:
Frame for clean room complete.
Filtered Blower to inflate "the Burrito"
HEPA filter enclosure complete.
Table for Laminar flow hood complete.

To be done:
Burrito placement, hang and test inflation.
Door hang (double door)
Insure that Burrito is capable of positive pressure.
Place Laminar Flow work surface
Hang wire/pvc tensegrity bag racks. (design drawing to follow)
Build walls of grow area.
Test run of sterilizer. (So I don't kill myself at the very beginning of this mess.)

I should be receiving my grain spawn (yes I'm cheating for the first attempt) from the fine folks at Fungi Perfecti. I'm familiar with their strain. I ordered some plugs from them and decided to culture them with a sterile swab and agar. I did so. I promptly forgot about it. I found it three weeks later. It had eaten its way up the cotton shaft of the swab, out the top of the test tube and down to the label. Which it was happily digesting. She's a hardy bitch, this one. I'm very nervous. I know the 6 P's though. So I'm good. See all of you on the other side.
