Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Guys have cocks.

So I was on the way to work. It was a normal morning. Tea, Dog out for a dump, dress in the social approved work attire. Commute. But all was not well. Listening to NPR I hear that someone is being unfairly prosecuted. Greyface had reared his ugly head. Fortunately the good folks over at Comic Book Legal Defense Fund swooped in to save the day. Apparently there are some pinchy puntas that can't believe that boys are born with cocks. We walk around naked. Not only that but famous peopledo it too. Holy shit! I had no idea! Where do they get these moralizing fuckers? What parental factory of dissappointment and self denial turns out these deprived morons? We need full frontal in rated R movies! Why? Because then people won't associate penises with some horrific secret. As if seeing one will strike you blind. Or turn the children into lesbians or homos at the mere sight of one. What about the children!? We are so busy protecting children from imagined ills that we aren't paying attention to our society's slow descent into fascism.

Brilliant tactic you have to admit though. Make the mob afraid of thier own genitals and they pay attention to everything except thier freedom. We are more concerned about how and why people are fucking each other that we slipped into a war and let a bunch of evil fucks get control of the country.